Imagine the Mother of Jesus at the cross…
She saw the torment on his face and watched the blood pour from His side. She heard the screams and wailing as her Son, Jesus, hung in anguish on a cross before her, and the smell of death filled the air that surrounded the hill called Calvary. Mary clutched the stabbing pain in her chest as the last words of Simeon echoed in her mind:
“He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.” (Luke 2:34-35 NLT).
When the earth shook, the rocks split, and the tombs broke open that day, Mary was still numb from the shock of it all, wondering if the promise given by the Angel Gabriel would abruptly end in torture and humiliation. It was more than a mother could bear.
And then one soldier and another cried out through the mob, “Surely he was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:54 NLT). Can you see her shiver as she heard the words? The first proclamation of Simeon now overwhelmed the second as she remembered, “He is a light to reveal God to the nations…” (Luke 2:32 NLT). No doubt, she rose from that place restored as she understood that the prophecy of hope could not come true without the prophecy of pain.
We put many “whys” before the Lord in our prayers and complaints. The “why” of pain, physical weakness, disappointment, unfair treatment, betrayal. And, sometimes, we have no answers. Because of the cross, the Savior understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings… in that one day (Hebrews 4:15 NLT). But death could not end the promise for He rose from the grave on the third day as a victor over sin, weakness, anger, hatred, and death. He has felt the pain of all your “whys” and then some; and He walks beside you even in this moment, no matter how dark, to say “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” (Psalm 30:5b NLT)
We have this great HOPE – He has risen from the dead, just as He said He would! And in this we have all confidence that our prayers are heard and answered. That He does and will continue to work for our good. That His favor lasts a lifetime. (Psalm 30:5a NLT)
Some of the last words of Jesus were caring for His mother, but the last thoughts of Jesus were of you. Of me. Of all those He offered His life for as payment for sin. You can call upon Him just as the centurion did, just as the thief on the cross did; and, in an instant, you will hear Him say, “You will be with me in paradise.”

PRAY: “Lord Jesus, I give you my life. Forgive my sins and bring me into Your Kingdom. I thank you that you listen, that you answer prayer, and that you are the lover of my soul.”
Always expect Amazing,
Diane Strack
Founder and President of She Loves Out Loud