The dashed hopes and fears of 2020, as myriad as they are, cannot be permitted to stake their claims or put down roots.  When we add our own scars to the state of our divided nation, the sum appears quite gloomy.  But remember that in the days when Jesus walked the earth, the godless Roman leaders ruled the land; religious rulers chose self-righteousness over compassion; and morality was defined as “anything goes.”   For the righteous believers, hope appeared lost in the dust of the surrounding deserts.

Matthew 3 tells us, Then came Jesus …., and the wilderness suddenly became a place of glory.  Those who followed that day and in the three years after sacrificed all to believe by standing against the culture of the day.  Their sacrifice was great, but they rejoiced in the one they called Messiah. 

Far too quickly, Jesus gathered them to say,  Dear children, I will be with you only a little longer.” You can almost feel the shock and dismay of the disciples as he said this.  But He continued with hope and instruction: “So now, I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:34-35)

That’s it. The great void left by the One was to be filled with the love of many.  As I read this, I hear Him saying, “So now – it’s your turn.  You pray over the sick.  You have compassion for the poor and the hurting.  You take care of and love one another so that the world will have proof of Who I am.” 

In 2021, She Loves Out Loud will:

BRING you stories of courageous women and info on solid, successful ministries you can duplicate right where you are

PLAN mission trips together

RESOURCE one another with Bible studies, devotions, and thoughts

CRY OUT on behalf of sisters we may never meet as we go to battle on our knees

 Over the next 4 weeks, we will talk about COURAGE in a walk forward pattern for life.

Check back here, be sure to join our Facebook group and Follow our Facebook Page and as always,

Always Expect Amazing,

Diane Strack , Founder and President of She Loves Out Loud