Registration for International Guests 

Thank you for your interest in hosting a She Loves Out Loud Global simulcast or participating as an international guest.  It is our desire to unite women around the world through prayer. That’s why, we invite non-U.S. guests to join us free of charge.

You will receive the global resources you need to host your own day of prayer on November 5, 2022 immediately after you submitted your form, on the confirmation page.

Please register by filling out the form below and include as much information as possible.

Important Message for Non-U.S. Registrants

As you register at this point in time, we will only be able to provide you with the language translations we have available. This includes the following: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Hungarian, and Dutch.

To receive access to the resources in one of the languages above, register below and receive your resource immediately after submitting your form, on the confirmation page.


Registration Form

How many people will be part of your group (approximately)?

What is your average number of church attendees?

We respect your privacy: The information that you provide during the registration process will be shared with major sponsors of She Loves Out Loud Global.

We understand that some of the information given in your prayer request may be sensitive. By checking the box below, you give us explicit permission to share this request during the event and in any communication related to She Loves Out Loud. Your request will only be published with your first name and country to protect your identity.

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