During our March She Loves Out Loud LIVE we talked about ordinary women of extraordinary courage.  One Old Testament story that shouts “Courage!” to me is the life of Deborah, the prophetess.  (Judges 4-5). Poverty, oppression, and a falling away of God’s people filled the byways, and the complaining and pagan slang could be heard across the hills.  So, for Deborah, away from the noise was her favorite place to be.  Out in the midst of nowhere, she found solace under a palm tree, possibly the only green life to be found within miles.  It wasn’t long before others lifted up their heads from the drudgery of life and saw a solitary, peaceful woman.  One by one they began to journey toward her to ask for wisdom.  She was the one woman who lived, thought, and believed differently, and she wrote that the people “willingly” followed. 

No doubt It was those quiet hours she spent in prayer and meditation under the palm tree that empowered her to be the leader of 10,000 men in the battlefield.  Deborah agreed to lead the grumbling, starving, unarmed, pagan worshipping rabble to Mt. Tabor without knowing how or if they would survive; but she believed in the God of miracles, and that was enough. 

            If one only knew the beginning of the story, it might be pronounced as a hopeless battle.  Starving men who had given up on believing in the law of Yahweh; a lone woman leading a nervous general; and 900 chariots of iron surrounding the mountain where ragged Israelites waited hopelessly trapped.  There was no way out.  Or was there?

Standing strong, her hair and robe blowing in the wind and rain, Deborah watched as the God of angel armies brought a flash flood to drown the enemy in the very valley they were confident would give them the win.  Their fine chariots of iron were suddenly held hostage by just plain MUD and the muscled soldiers drowned or were swept away. (Judges 5)  The finest swords and shields of the most powerful army in the world were defeated that day by the earth, wind, and rain of the Great Creator.

The Israelites never had to lift a sword.  It was God who led them up, and He that brought them down.  The God Who did miracles then will do them for you today.  Find your quiet spot and stake your claim into Joshua 1:8-9 (NIV)

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

What a mighty God we serve!

Always Expect Amazing,

Diane Strack   

Watch our SLOL Live the first Monday of each month on our Facebook Page! Catch March’s discussion right here.