There is something wonderful about feeling included to share laughter and joy with others. A simple invitation to “join us” sends a little blast of happy endorphins to our spirit. Inclusion creates an emotional connection that produces health; exclusion creates aloneness and a sense of depression.
“A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” Proverbs 17:22 NLT
Satan saw that Adam and Eve were created to encourage, love, and bond to one another. He probably heard Adam cry out, “At last!” when he first saw Eve, and called out his confusion to her to begin the process of separation and division that ended in shame. This is one of his methods to destroy the spirit.
No matter how many “sit with us” or “come to our group” invitations we receive, there often remains an emptiness that we don’t understand. We try to fill this with shopping, food, social media, entertainment, and more, but still we cannot find the peace we so desperately desire.
David begins Psalm 27 with bold faith: “The LORD is my light and my salvation — so why should I be afraid? “ His mood quickly turned to an anxious one as he spoke of “trouble” and “enemies.” And then if shifts again. It’s almost like he told himself to “snap of it” as he speaks of praise: “At His sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, sing and praising the Lord with music.” (v.6)
This led him to write an elegant conversation with the Lord that was also written to remind us.
“My heart has heard You say, ‘Come and talk with me.’
And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.’” Psalm 27:8 NLT
I urge you, my sisters in Christ, do not let this day go by without experiencing the peace, strength, joy, and Spirit-filling of a personal one-on-one with the Lord God.
From the smallest need to the deepest aloneness, He wants to hear your voice.
Diane Strack
Is anything too small to ask? I don’t think so. I lost my phone last week (chemo brain!) and after days of looking, I prayed, “Lord this is so small, but I really do need my phone.” As I was praying, my husband stopped in the middle of what he was doing, walked into the one room we had not searched and found it. Thank you, Jesus!
Is anything too big? No, definitely not. She Loves Out Loud began as a conversation and because “a great company” of godly women caught the vision, more than a million women joined together to pray in the name of Jesus. And now, She Loves Out Loud Global will hear from women on six continents as we “Gather the women of the world to pray” on November 5, 2022.
Let’s tell ourselves to “snap out of it” and enter into praise through reading the Psalms aloud, shouting with joy, singing hymns and songs, and pouring out our heart to the Lord of our troubles, our needs, our hopes. “Lord, I am coming.”
Always Expect Amazing,
Diane Strack, Founder and President
She Loves Out Loud
P.S. Did you hear the news? She Loves Out Loud is going Global in 2022! Click here to learn more.