Have a MARY Christmas this year!

I love this painting by ArtByCorby! Check it out at his Etsy shop. Every time I see it I think of the treasure women are to one another in both times of rejoicing and of facing the unknown. Carole Ward prayed decades ago, “Lord send me where no one wants to go…”. And now, thousands across African nations are coming to Christ every month and being discipled. I cannot go, but I do pray with her and for her. We do the impossible in Jesus’ name – together.

Makes a woman wonder, “What does the Lord have for me?”

Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!
You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.
“Lk 1:30

Of course she began with questions: “How? Why” When?” And then the fear set in—banishment, shame, and even being stoned to death threatened her in that moment. But she won the battle. She conquered fear because she believed these words, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you.” (Luke 1:35)

Mary was a woman who Expected Amazing. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we will explore her heart and learn together. We will ask the Lord to give us courage to stand strong, love well, and serve wholeheartedly as she did.

“The pain of childbearing is at the heart of Mary’s story: great hope, born through great fear.” N. T. Wright.

Always Expect Amazing,

Diane Strack