Are you ready for a grand adventure? If you take God at His word, then you are!
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things,
which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3
- Pick your quiet spot. I have a friend who cleaned out a closet and committed to kneel as she prayed Scriptures for 1 hour every day while her sons were in high school. She “waited on the Lord” as the brothers walked very different spiritual paths, but she rejoices to this day over the personal work of God in each of them. They have grown into amazing, godly husbands, fathers, and Bible teachers. No extra closet? Pick a spot under a tree, in the hall, at the kitchen table, or by your bed. There is no magic place!
- Schedule it on your calendar. Make plans around that time, refusing to forfeit for any reason! If you need to make it shorter, no worries. But some days you will want to linger, as the Lord meets you there in sweet fellowship.
- Keep a notebook nearby. For today you can use any notepad or paper, but pick up a journal or any notebook. Journaling asks and answers emboldens us to keep trusting that the Lord really does want the best for our families. Often I pick up a well-worn journal and just sit and rejoice as I read. Some answers I never expected! And some came just as I hoped for.
- Keep praying no matter what. Do not “cease to pray” Colossians 1:9
Always Expect Amazing,
Diane Strack