by She Loves Out Loud | May 23, 2022 | Devotional, Loving Out Loud, Prayer
Waiting is the hardest thing for us “to-do list/control” people to do! You may be asking God: What is my purpose? When will you answer my prayer? What should I do while I wait? All of the answers are found in Acts 1. The disciples had watched Jesus be tortured and...
by She Loves Out Loud | May 16, 2022 | Devotional, Loving Out Loud, Loving your Neighbor
OK, before you get upset, let me explain. I am 110% for saving the lives of the unborn. But I am also 110% for helping those who have had, or are seeking to have, an abortion to find healing through the mercy of God. Filling the marching throngs that declare the...
by She Loves Out Loud | May 1, 2022 | Devotional, Loving Out Loud, Prayer
Reality tells us that the countries of the world have come to America, and our “neighborhood” has increased greatly. Language barriers and culture differences certainly cause us to wonder how we can fulfill the great commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.”...
by She Loves Out Loud | Apr 25, 2022 | Devotional
Just as my cancer journey started to end last month, my body gave up the fight, and I woke up in a hospital ICU with brain bleeds, a concussion, separated shoulder, and multiple bruises. For the first three days I asked my husband hourly, “Why did it happen?” but...
by She Loves Out Loud | Mar 25, 2022 | Event, Prayer, Unity
Women may not agree on some of life’s choices, but one thing is sure – it is a time in history when we must gather the women of the world to pray. We hear the cries across the lands, “Give me this water, that I might not thirst.” Are we brave enough, caring...
by She Loves Out Loud | Mar 16, 2022 | Devotional, Peace, Prayer
God knows the fear you feel in these days of war, of rising prices, of the threats of daily “what-ifs.” He knows. He sees. He feels the strain and pain with you. In Psalm 139:1-4 the word YADA (Hebrew) is used, meaning to know deeply, to express...